Monday, December 20, 2021

Hello, Full Cold Moon.

Tonight, I am declaring 

Under your magickal light…

I am letting go of responsibility for others.

I picked this up as a little girl,

This luggage called “others’ shit”

And have been carrying this burden

For more than 40 years.

Tonight, I am putting it down.

There is no one in this world

Who I am solely responsible for.

My charges are grown,

My awareness has deepened,

And those others who have asked

And expected…

Well, it is time to say no more.

I will no longer be in collusion with your false self.

This self that says you are incapable

Or in need of a rescuer.

I will see who you truly are,

A divine being of light,

Who has forgotten and is afraid.

I can offer you gentleness

And acknowledgment

As I stand in my own truth

And refuse to pick up

What you are trying to hand me.

I can offer myself compassion

And validation

As I stand in my own truth 

And realize it was me

Who made the label 

Of more than capable

And fed on superiority

Of believing you needed me

To rescue you.

Good morning, New Day.

Today, I am responsible for no one, but myself. 

Each person, each animal and plant,

Each living organism I walk past or sit with,

Is responsible, at least in some way,

For themselves.

I am responsible for being present,

Or choosing to be distracted or disconnected.

I am responsible for my honesty,

And my willingness to be transparent

And to connect in the now.

I am responsible for choosing what I will offer

And what I will hold back.

I am responsible for me,

Just me.

Today is wide open to my choices.

Do I want to play with crayons or buy new pants?

Do I want to walk in the sunshine 

or cuddle naked in bed with my love?

Will I paint a canvas or meditate with my guru?

I can choose.

I can choose without the pressure, 

To check every decision,

Against how it will

Affect another.

Love and thoughtfulness still describes my heart

I will always consider others’ needs.

But not as my responsibility anymore.

Just as my choice,

To look your way,

To care about your feelings,

And to freely choose,

Knowing you are, at the same time,

Making choices for yourself. 

Today, I will not put expectations on you

To make me first in your thoughts,

To think of me before your own desires.

I will not ask you to curb who you are 

In order to fit who I am.

I will not expect you to lead or follow,

But just to be you,

Authentically you.

I will be grateful that we 

Get the opportunity 

To share space

To share dreams

To share hurts

And growth edges.

I will be grateful that we

Do not need to take responsibility for each other

And that with this knowledge

Comes freedom.

Good night, Full Moon.

Good morning, Freedom.